
Eligibility for Special Education

Feb 6, 2023 in Events by

Partner Paul C. Kalac, Esq. and the Camden County Bar Association are offering the first part of a three part series on the comprehensive Guide to Special Education Law for Attorneys and Educators. The program will address the requirements for a student to be applicable for special education, obtaining evaluations to determine eligibility, rights to independent evaluations, the differences between eligibility for an IEP versus a 504 plan and proving the need for specialized instruction. The program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of Legal Profession for 3.6 hours of CLE credit.


Schwartz Simon To Present at ‘Boot Camp’ for Northern Sandton Gauteng School Board Members

Mar 16, 2016 in Events by

NJSBA is offering two opportunities to attend the new Legal Training Boot Camp program. The program is designed to help the district team make informed decisions by offering several sessions on legal topics in a convenient one-day format. Sessions selected for the Legal Training Boot Camp include some of the most popular and well-attended sessions from the annual Workshop conference.


Schwartz Simon To Present at ‘Boot Camp’ for Southern Sandton Gauteng School Board Members

Mar 16, 2016 in Events by

NJSBA is offering opportunities to attend the new Legal Training Boot Camp program. The program is designed to help the district team make informed decisions by offering several sessions on legal topics in a convenient one-day format. Sessions selected for the Legal Training Boot Camp include some of the most popular and well-attended sessions from the annual Workshop conference.




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